news / Lecture series on RELATIONSHIPS as part of the 4+4 Days in Motion festival
Hybernská 2, Prague 1
8 October Martin Mahler from 18:30 to approx. 19:30 + discussion
Lecture title: „Confusion of languages or how trauma is created“
In my talk, I will first deal with the peripeties of human relationships that lead to „Babylonian“ misunderstandings, to the disruption of reciprocity and to internal alienation and pain. In the second part, I will discuss ways of therapeutic repair.
from 20:00 to 21:30 large group Denisa Schücková and Daniela Saifrtová
9 October Peter Pöthe from 18:30 to approx. 19:30 + discussion
Lecture title: „Early relational trauma and its impact on the child’s personality“
from 20:00 to 21:30 large group Dana Holubová, Luděk Vrba
11 October Jiří Jakubů from 18:30 to approx. 19:30 + discussion
Lecture title: „The Journey to the Other and Back Again. Movements, feelings, relationships.“
The title of this contemporary art show includes the word movement („days in motion“). Our interactions with each other, the aliveness of ourselves and our relationships with others, can be characterized precisely by movement („motio“) and its associated experiences and feelings („e-motio“). We will focus on how, from a psychoanalytic perspective, our relationships with others develop and how they co-create us. Illustrative examples will be found in everyday life, in the relationship between the psychoanalyst and his „patient“, but also in the relationship between the creator and his „audience“.
from 20:00 to 21:30 large group Dana Kárová and Petr Klimpl

Lecture series prepared and moderated by Kamila Ženatá